Today on Labs: “ecosocialism…. with a strong anti-colonial and anti-capitalist sentiment that moves beyond private profit to socially useful and ecocentric production. Digital ecosocialism is the extension of ecosocialist ideals into the digital realm. It is ICT that embeds the values of planetary stability, social equity and agency throughout the sector”. by @neil

Nice article @neil 💚

And it introduced me the "Digital EcoSocialism" term I hadn't come across (

My sense is we need local groups that can support local digital needs within an understanding of this wider context.

I'm slowly brewing a sense of how to do this here, but takes a lot of connections to build up first I think.



And what I'd really like to avoid is an exclusive insular geek/hacker club that functions as an escape from society into an imagined world where geeks and hackers rule and everything would be amazing (it wouldn't).

So none of the "PEBKAC" and "luser" stuff.


@becha thanks! is a parked godaddy domain, maybe a typo somewhere?

What potential do you see with community mesh networks out of interest?

In the next city over we had which used to run rooftop wireless stuff, but from their experience: "the rise of 4G mobile technology has resulted in reduced reliance on fixed broadband and home phones. One consequence of this is that fewer people are interested in networking in general."


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