Preparing for my trip: saying goodbye to my cat & my room; locked&loaded for 3 weeks in Croatia: the & conf in Zagreb & after that… & hoping that has spared the train tracks in Germany, Austria, Slovenia…

It is not going smooth… :( The first to Frankfurt is canceled! Now trying to get to Stuttgart & catch my the other way…

Phew: made it to the last all-German connection! At least I’ve heard my ticket should be valid ? And finally there is electricity available to feed my addiction;) plus I got some local nourishments in Düsseldorf . Onwards! (Squatting in the 1st class… my own compensation for the canceled train & all workarounds I had to figure out…)


Oh the , how I love you! Especially if I succeed to get in on time, *AND* cooling / air-co is on! (it’s ~30C in Stuttgart at 8PM..) // I hope to have a good night sleep! 🛌 🚆 4️⃣2️⃣ #42 // Zagreb, see you in the morning!

Zagreb, I’m in you! (Forgot to take a photo of the _whole_ cake, that’s how fast I ate it!) @ “Cukeraj” cake cafe

@quixoticgeek double mooi? There’s duplicate images? Strange glitch…

@becha you inspired me to look into what would be involved in taking a night train from 🇬🇧 ➡️ 🇬🇷. Turns out it's 2 days, 4 hours, and 7 transfers so... I think we could do better there.

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