Preparing for my trip: saying goodbye to my cat & my room; locked&loaded for 3 weeks in Croatia: the & conf in Zagreb & after that… & hoping that has spared the train tracks in Germany, Austria, Slovenia…

Traveling while on anti-anxiety meds is the best! & is all I need… and all the rest is a plus (Bus being on time! Air-co! No smoking! 💚 electricity plug! 🔌 WiFi ! Radio-Nostalgija :)

… I’m leaving the sea today… This visit was not as connecting nor brilliant nor energizing as I wished / expected / was used to… ah well… it was the combination of heat, illness & time… at least I was as kind to myself as I could…

@becha A wise man once suggested that expectations are best avoided as unfullfilled hopes (and wishes I suppose) are somehow easier to accept. So, now with this experience in the bag, it seems more likely that your hopes will be met next time, yay!
(I miss the sea)

@becha i can relate to that. when you see the sea first time after a long trip: pure bliss :)

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