near : forest strawberries , May blossoms , young trees & wild flowers : overwhelm of tastes, touch & fragrances : almost unbearable happiness!

Here’s my house-squirrel: a Puh = <i>Glis Glis</i> = Edible Doormouse

Busy day: cutting wood 🪵 , picking strawberries 🍓, walking in the meadows plucking wild flowers… enjoying

I’ve chosen this morning to cycle to “town” based on weather forecast (raining y’day & will rain tomorrow) & dwindling food supplies - but - apparently it’s a holiday in Croatia & shops are closed! Still : enjoying early lunch & sun & the river :)

Rainy day at : I’ve mostly tended fire & cooked, emailed a bit - and I got the best surprise in the evening: the dog is back!!! 🥰🐕🌈 (I’ve made elderflower syrup & half-baked pizza …)

Good morning from : stone ecosystems edition! Delightful little “gardens” that remind me of Japanese styled arrangements & … but IRL! Succulents, mosses, water pools … all before 6AM! Life is great!

Plants & animals this dawn near : (possibly?) magic mushrooms that grow on sh!t , prickly beauty , & the face of the mountains! Bountiful nature after the rains! Plus all the birds I cannot see - but I hear them: so loud & clear!

travel day: Zagreb-Berlin . Morning started good: after staying with family (& cat!) & receiving their help & love, I got to the train station mostly dry & on time; thd 2nd is leaving on time so there’s hope I’ll catch the next one (in infamous Villach)!

@becha There are currently no long-distance trains to the north and west out of Munich and regional services are limited. You could try reroute via Passau or go via Wien and Czechia (but note the mandatory seat reservations on cross-border trains into Germany).

@partim oh?! Thanks! How about tomorrow? I’m now “stuck” for the night in Villach, was planning to take an early train over Munich .. where can I find up to date info ? dbahn?

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