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Today is the start of / Lente / Proleće / BECHA ! (in the northern hemisphere…) . Greetings from Osdorp/de Aker,

DIY Methods, our conference-by-zine/mail on experimental research, returns in 2024! Send us your methods zine idea by April 15th.

The deadline for our call for submissions has been extended to 22 March 2024. We have also added examples and resources for zine-making to our website morethanhumanfreedom.wordpress.

We are delighted to share with you our call for submissions for a zine-based conference on more-than-human freedom. Inspired by the first zine-based conference organised by the Low-Carbon Research Methods Group, this conference aims to bring together scholars and artists to produce and disseminate low-carbon, free, and accessible knowledge around the capability of self-willed ecologies to sustain and reproduce themselves. We invite contributors to address this theme by making use of the experimental and DIY character of zines, which will be printed and circulated among participants by post.

Please, find below the original text of the call, find more resources on our website morethanhumanfreedom.wordpress and feel free to contact us at for any questions. We are looking forward to receiving your pitches!

Organized by Laura Andriessen (Ghent University, CARAM), Emelien Devos (Ghent University, CARAM) and Alessandro Guglielmo (University of Milan) @ecologies

#anthropology #AcademicChatter #OpenScience #STS #MoreThanHuman #capitalocene

Amid so much that’s so utterly wrong in this world, it’s already been a delight to be part of the Another Carolina Anarchist Bookfair (ACAB) organizing crew for the 2024 version of this particularly sweet “anarchist ritual of spiritual recovery” and its “big gay” spirit. After all, #ACAB falls on Stonewall weekend and happens to take place in a town with lots of us queer+trans rebels.

Personally, I want to encourage you to dream up all sorts of imaginative proposals! I’d love to see ideas that reflect the changing (for the better) voices and faces, strategies and practices, of anarchism; that tell stories of inspiring anarchic histories and lessons gleaned for today; that reflect on the new fascist landscape we’re now in, and what ways we might shift to better fight and outwit it, to lessen losses and expand life against the murder machinery, to engage in communal care and self-defense as well as world-building; and that offer different formats, ranging from panels to play, conversations to ritual, workshops to hands-on to keynotes.

If you want to run ideas by me before you put in a proposal, DM me (keeping in mind I’m just one of about ten collective mates).

For now, read and revel in our friendly public invite, from which you can find links to the session proposal and tabling request forms. And big gay love to Bash Back News for posting our invite, which I had the joy of collaborating on with my dear friend and fellow Another Carolina Anarchist Bookfair organizer Shuli Branson!

Here’s an excerpt:

“Amid all the horror, we cannot neglect our capacity for joy. To struggle against the state and for liberation, there must be a life worth fighting for. Our anarchism taps into our pleasures along with our disgust, our wholeness along with our brokenness. The bookfair offers us a space to feel and reflect on these oppositions together. During these gatherings, we witness the breadth of our interdependences and solidarities as we contemplate the crumbling of infrastructure and social well-being, devastation of ecosystems, and growing hot spots of fascist action. We see how much we already make possible through the spirit and substance of our practices.”

#AllComradesAreBeautiful 🖤🩷🌿


A scheme calculating how much carbon is saved by industrial sabotage and other direct actions:

How much would it take to offset your lifetime emissions?

#Climate #ClimateCrisis #Sabotage #CarbonCredits

Stole your meme because no Alt-Text my guy.

Also, affirmational af: Live, Love, Float.

How many times do I have to hear that there's no money to care for the elderly (many are starving and dehydrated)? That there isn't money to get more teachers or fund the needs of kids with special needs? That there is no money for child protective services and it just must be in private hands?

That this and that progressive thing just can't be done, like the walkable street that was just cancelled where I live?

And then there is money for fur farmers. And war. And subsidies. There always is.

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Feeling a bit disillusioned with taxes in these Nordic welfare states. I was fine with our extremely high tax rates as long as I was able to think the money was used for things like:
-social security
-public transport
-elderly care

More and more its money given to freaking fur farmers, different capitalist operators, endless car infrastructure and military funding.

This is not my social contract.

Today is the start of / Lente / Proleće / BECHA ! (in the northern hemisphere…) . Greetings from Osdorp/de Aker,

@Ruth_Mottram Ruth, I don't think it was unforeseen - Think it was foreseen but it's not a nice message to receive so it was ignored... and I think the measured phenomena fit within certain worse scenarios :( (e.g. RCP 8.5)

. @Ruth_Mottram and the conclusion is > More and better data are urgently needed< ?? it reminds me of “This calls for immediate discussion!” From “Life of Brian”

No big deal. Just more than 150 cherry trees in DC having to be cut down because of land subsidence and climate change induced sea level rise of more than a foot.

"I think hard times are coming, when we will be wanting the voices of writers who can see alternatives to how we live now, and can see through our fear-stricken society and its obsessive technologies, to other ways of being. And even imagine some real grounds for hope. We will need writers who can remember freedom: poets, visionaries—the realists of a larger reality. Right now, I think we need writers who know the difference between production of a market commodity and the practice of an art. The profit motive is often in conflict with the aims of art. We live in capitalism. Its power seems inescapable; so did the divine right of kings. … Power can be resisted and changed by human beings; resistance and change often begin in art, and very often in our art—the art of words."

~ Ursula K Le Guin

Quote:"Without an analysis of power, it is hard to understand inequality or much else in modern capitalism."

Good that finally some economists are waking up to see how much their simplistic models have ruined the world.

(Original title: Nobel laureate economist savages profession as clueless, unethical)

The HN folks have discovered Devin, the AI software engineer. And suddenly they’re all Marxists.

@aral this is why FLOSS advocates & hackers should work with doctors, schools, real estate agents, activists… and teach them about privacy & decentralization - while learning from them about real-world use cases for “our” ethics & principles

Year 1 students of @xpub will launch their special issue, 'Peripheral centers and feminist servers', on Thursday 28.03.2024 in Varia. From 19:00 to 21:30.

Peripheral centers and feminist servers investigate multiple approaches to the conditions of serving. It interrupts the endless flow of data that fuels the economy, exposing the cracks and gaps of the techno-scientific paradigm imposed on society. Where commands are executed, connections made, trust exchanged, and resources shared.

This feminist data center brings to light the physical infrastructure and actual labour which enable the processes we perform every day. In this exploration, we think through feminist approaches that reveal the concealed layers of our on(off)line interactions. We broaden our understanding of how this tangible, energy-intensive infrastructure truly operates behind the seemingly innocent notion of the 'cloud'.

The various projects within Peripheral centers and feminist servers expose their infrastructure, emphasizing the material conditions of their production. We advocate that the fairy tale of immateriality has real socio-economic-environmental consequences.

Peripheral centers and feminist servers is realised in the context of the Special Issue 23 of the Experimental Publishing Master.

@bortzmeyer it takes a lot of effort by the chairs to achieve that : kudos!

As autistic people, we don’t need to apologize to others for our differences.

Illustration by Izzy @autieselfcare

#ActuallyAutistic #AuDHD @actuallyautistic

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