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Good morning! (Have to answer 3 questions by this Sphinx to get to have some tea…)

@futzle Ah, it's an NPR history podcast. This week's episode examines “veneer theory” and kicks of with that story

When Things Fall Apart


“We’ve got to be sure that the banks get the message that the people of this country are increasingly outraged that these big banks were willing to magnify the power of Big Oil and Big Gas,” he said—citing Desmond Tutu’s anti-apartheid campaigns, which leveraged protest against American banking giants as another precedent.



OFFDEM Ozone Call for Participation is now open.

We welcome proposals from collectives interested in exploring the following topics and sharing their experiences with others. The #offdem-topic tag remained the same since our first edition, covering

#LocalOrganization #CollectiveDataSovereignty #InteroperabilityAndPowerRelations

Ozone ⏩ Fast Forward: Decolonizing Europe Matters

#Decolonial #Trans #Feminist #SelfOrganized #FreeSoftware #Gathering #Brussels

Vreedzame klimaatactivisten zijn preventief opgepakt door de politie.

Dit druist in tegen alles waar het demonstratierecht ons voor moet beschermen. Een schandalige, en vooral zorgelijke ontwikkeling.

BIJ1 spreekt solidariteit uit met @extinctionrebellionnl en de betrokkenen. ✊

Extinction Rebellion Nederland:

"Extinction Rebellion is geschokt door de arrestaties van vandaag. Wij zijn gewone mensen die vreedzaam willen demonstreren. Dat recht wordt ons nu ontnomen. #A12Blokkade #Demonstratierecht #Klimaatrechtvaardigheid "

We need to stop clinging to a normal that is never coming back.

I call on fellow event organizers and community leaders to meet the moment.

My blog post rolling up the latest research and practical guidance on adapting to our pandemic present and future:

#CovidIsNotOver #Covid19 #PublicHealth #PHPledge

ChatGPT is amazing and everything that’s wrong with the world -- by Lucy Avraamidou

"To pretend that open AI will not change how we live our lives... is delusional. But the question that emerges right now is not how to utilize ChatGPT for higher education. The real question, rather, is this: How do we resist supporting neoliberal, multi-millionaire artificial intelligence companies that exploit workers in a world that is starving for empathy and emotional intelligence?"

Dutch police arrested 6 Non-Violent activists from XR this morning @extinctionrebellionnl I’m enraged, sad & determined to join the protests this Saturday! ✊🤬😤😢🫂

Algae can absorb an incredible amount of CO2, and release oxygen just like plants. You can grow it easily, just heat and nutrients. Excess hydroponic solution exposed will usually produce algae. This structure can supposedly absorb 2 acres of trees worth of CO2. #solarpunk

It is for sure a cool idea, obviously trees have a much wider impact in an ecosystem. But things like this would be great for shade structures in urban environments to add in some green, soak up some CO2, and stop high-nutrient water from entering waterways causing algal blooms.

Well McSweeney’s never misses #layoffs

“the macroeconomic environment has shifted in ways none of us could have foreseen, from an economy in which I did feel like paying you, to one in which I’d rather not”

First call to the international anarchist movement for participation on Balkan Anarchist Bookfair 2023:

en • pt • es • sh • el • pl • bg • de • ro • it • sl • fr • sq

#anarchistbookfair #balkan #BalkanAnarchistBookfair #bab2023 #anarchist #ljubljana #slovenia

“It is a well-documented fact that by the age of 5 monolingual White children will have heard 30 million fewer words in languages other than English than bilingual children of color. In addition, they will have had a complete lack of exposure to the richness of non-standardized varieties of English that characterize the homes of many children of color. This language gap increases the longer these children are in school. The question is what causes this language gap and what can be done to address it? The major cause of this language gap is the failure of monolingual White communities to successfully assimilate into the multilingual and multidialectal mainstream. The continued existence of White ethnic enclaves persists despite concerted efforts to integrate White communities into the multiracial mainstream since the 1960s. In these linguistically isolated enclaves it is possible to go for days without interacting with anybody who does not speak Standardized American English providing little incentive for their inhabitants to adapt to the multilingual and multidialectal nature of US society. This linguistic isolation has a detrimental effect on the cognitive development of monolingual White children. This is because linguistically isolated households lack the rich translanguaging practices that are found in bilingual households and the elaborate style-shifting that occurs in bidialectal households. This leaves monolingual White children without a strong metalinguistic basis for language learning. As a result, many of these monolingual White children lack the school-readiness skills needed for foreign language learning and graduate from school having mastered nothing but Standardized American English leaving them ill-equipped to engage in intercultural communication.”

What if we talked about monolingual White children the way we talk about low-income children of color?

Excerpt from a satirical blog post from The Educational Linguist that makes a good point about which language skills we value as a society and the problems with talking about a “language gap”.

(via and

RIPE86 is coming up, May 2023

RIPE meetings are a series of places where THE INTERNET meets. There is a whole week of standard meetings, presentations, and talks in the hallways.

I love them, and I will go to RIPE86, been a few years since last.

And you can come too!

If you are a student look at
RIPE Academic Cooperation Initiative
(RACI) - present research, get ticket, accommodation and travel

plus RIPE Fellowship

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