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Climate change conversations during live commentary of tonight’s vs football match because of the ‘warming stripes’ sleeves design on the Reading kit.

Thank you &

Onafhankelijk waarnemer voor Amnesty International @gerbrigklos en klimaatactivist van Extintion Rebellion @prins_hannah waren bij het klimaatprotest in Den Haag aanwezig. Hoe hebben zij het protest ervaren?

Kijk morgen naar #buitenhof rond 12:35 @NPO1


This is a plea for all climate activists, especially young activists, to support rising star UK distance runner, Innes FitzGerald, who broke the Under 17 UK 3000m record. But is refusing to fly to the World Cross Country Championships in Australia.


De Volkskrant toont keiharde cijfers over het verschil in arrestaties tussen boerenprotesten en Extinction Rebellion. En maar blijven ontkennen.

Sometimes perseverance is constructive, but at other times, it’s maladaptive and harmful.

I wish we didn’t teach young people that grinding away at a pursuit that isn’t a good fit for you (or isn’t anymore) is a character-defining virtue.

There is joy in quitting, peace in knowing when to move on, dignity in valuing your work and your time on earth enough not to spend it in ways that don’t fulfill you.

(When you can. When it’s safe. When you have the choice. Sometimes you don’t.)

Impressions, sights, sounds & solidarity from todays protests : with @extinctionrebellionnl & many other organizations! You Are Not Alone!!!

***UPDATE*** Laatste actievoerder wordt nu aangehouden. Wij zijn ontzettend trots op onze rebellen en bedanken iedereen voor de steun. Zolang de fossiele subsidies er nog zijn, blijven wij terugkomen. Tot volgende keer op de #A12. #StopFossieleSubsidies

Lost in the "employees are disengaged" discussion now happening in elite circles is the simple, obvious fact that we *used* to sacrifice large chunks of our time and energy to our employers, but since 2020 we now live with the knowledge that our employers don't care if we live or die.

Only suckers give away something of value to someone who, in fact, does not value it.

You gotta just ❤️ this: "Ingeborg blockiert heute NACKT die A12: 'Das macht die Aktion sympathisch, spielerisch und fröhlich'."

@NLRebellion bringen heute ne fette #Autobahn-Blockade an den Start. Rock on, comrades! Grotjes from Bergen aan Zee 😘

WIJ HEBBEN MALING AAN HET MALIEVELD: De A12 demonstratie gaat vandaag om 12 uur door!

Mét actietraining in de A12 demonstratie tussen de Tweede Kamer en het Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat.

Zonder actietraining? In de solidariteitsdemo op de Bezuidenhoutseweg 67.

Wij kijken er naar uit om jullie allemaal daar te zien.

#A12 #DemonstratieRecht #RightToProtest #StopFossieleSubsidies #ExtinctionRebellion

the hard truth is that shifting our taxes away from violence (status quo militarized police forces in all our cities) and toward community care and healing (mobile aid units, housing and warming shelters, crisis care, etc) takes focused, dedicated, relentless, tedious, and endless community organizing.

From all of us.

Impacting city budgets requires citizens self-organizing change at every level: social, political, and economic.

No getting around it, the work is hard and it never ends.

Ready for action today! With @extinctionrebellionnl , demanding that government stops subsidies to fossil fuel industries!

I FOR ONE WELCOME OUR FORTHCOMING OCTOPUS OVERLORDS. Because we humans don't deserve this planet.

In this novel by Ray Nayler, "...Humankind discovers intelligent life in an octopus species with its own language and culture, and sets off a high-stakes global competition to dominate the future."

Wordle 588 3/6


My employer, Elisa Polystar, is hiring a Developer with Security and Linux Focus.

Location: Stockholm, SE

We’re looking for a developer with a good grasp of Linux system administration and security best practices. In this role you will work primarily within a development team on creating and verifying standardised solutions that are deployed to our customers.

More info on our careers page:

If you’re interested, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me!


Wondering what the best e-mail server is out there? How about rolling one for your friends and communities? Here is a new setup guide for "automatic accounts" e-mail servers --- and an announcement of upcoming hands-on workshops in Brussels, Amsterdam, Montpellier and Gent ... all in the next 8 weeks!

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