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The best thing my students ever gave me. I thought they were just really diligent note-takers the whole semester, but it turns out they were compiling a book of all the craziest things I'd said, all *very much* out of context. It's 152 pages long.

We are releasing the well-poisoning machine, because if we don't do it first, someone else with even worse morals might do it faster.

By being the first people to poison the well, we can know exactly what kind of toxins will be in the water such that we understand the symptoms when we inevitably make the whole village sick from it.

Of course this has prompted our competitors to fire their ethics people and also poison the well even faster, but such is the inevitable march of progress!

RT @ultracricket
In my ongoing field research on how to get in the most trouble for the most innocuous acts 😉, I was arrested yesterday with 9 elders in a @Chase bank in DC for ...singing?

We were held for 11 hours, and were barred from this bank for 5 years!

Mogelijk zelfs €30 miljard per jaar: de belastingvoordelen voor fossiele brandstoffen lijken nóg groter dan gedacht. Waanzin! Dit is onrechtvaardig en verschrikkelijk voor het klimaat.

Stop fossiele subsidies.


Link to article: "Dildos and vibrators are stuck in Suez Canal: erotic wholesaler EDC suffers loss of millions"

First comment:

"Dutch people normally: Oh no, that dildo is really much too big for me, I can never handle that. Careful, it's my first time.

Dutch people after one year of social isolation: I ordered a dildo, but it will come later because it couldn't go through the Suez Canal."

Fr pol, analysis, internationalism 

Today was the most crowdy protest day of the last 30 years in France. Also the most radical since the beggining of the pension movement.

On monday, the assembly had to vote wether or not to fire the government and refuse the law (the now famous 49.3 article of the constitution allowing the government to bypass the parliament). Only 9 votes missed for the majority to win the cancel, which is much less than expected by the medias, meaning that even some more right wing deputees engaged it (while considered the only allies of the presidential side).

Though it would surely have been satisfying for parts of the struggle to "win" this, it would have only meant to replace a burnt "fuse", as the prime minister defined herself like, and dismiss the law project, while most of us are against the whole Macron's regime, not only this law. Since then, every night, in most of the major cities and in Paris saw riots happening.

Yesterday, Macron did a TV interview at 1pm, which has never been seen before, a sign that he was only willing to talk to old people, "families and housewifes" (quote). This thursday was scheduled a worker's unions strike and protests. It was expected to gather lots of people. But the reality is much more dangerous for Macron than monday's vote at the assembly: now, even the most moderate unions weren't only claiming the removal of the law but attacking Macron's authoritarism. Even his own workers at the Elysée refuse to comply: the red carpet will not be set up for the reception of Charles III.

We'll see how things will happen but after the already huge movements of the previous years, we the people know better about strategic pinpoints to block the country. Some important flaws still exist. In my opinion, the biggest one is a lack of international class counsciousness because of the french revolution romanticism and the far right propaganda against foreigners. I think it's more important than anything to acknowledge the necessity of a bond between our "national" social rights and human rights in general.

Everybody in the world deserve retirement from work as early as possible. We should even say it : it's an ecological necessity to reduce workloads and inequalities. "First world" countries' people shouldn't keep reclaiming priviledge for themselves while oppressing "third world" people that are dying because of our lifestyle. Those very people who come to our countries for better conditions because of our colonization are nowadays threatened by the same government that we're fighting. Same fight. Everywhere. Together, please.

Please boost.

#revolution #france #protests #riot #RéformesDesRetraites #pensions

new on the XLT Subs > Empowering Oppositions to the ANTHRØ-Krapitalism Catastrophes-continuum !
Encounters with Grounded Radical Futurism ... #Anthropocene #Solidarity #ArtsandPraxis #Resistance #TJDemos

Good news in #FOSS anyone?

Our application platform is now open! 🚀

We welcome subsmissions from projects that seek support for Open Source Infrastructure in the public interest.

Would you like to see support for a specific library, developer tool or any other critical open source component? Please let us know!

What do you use for collaborating in the open?

Add yours so others can try them.

GitLab: version control

Mattermost: chat, share files

Jitsi: virtual meetings, webinars

Etherpad: work on the same document

Gitea: version control

Nextcloud: cloud storage

#OpenSource #PublicCode #Collaboration

"10 weeks to stop the largest open pit #lithium mine in Europe!

We appeal to everyone who is in the fight for environmental justice; in the fight for a common, #solidarity-based, anti-extractivist future; in the fight for #life let's put pressure on APA in the coming weeks and fight this #ecocide!"

@becha ! #Sekundenklebertransportverbot
Honestly. This, and #German government blocking the ban of #Efuels by 2035, and so many governments actively watering down the wording of the #IPCC policy recommendations, as @atriverside posted here yesterday, and so many #ClimateActivists worldwide in prison - all this when THIS is where we are at! The absurdity, the tragedy of it all #ClimateDiary

Catch me tomorrow at 6:30am NZT. I'll be on a panel with @timnitGebru @abebab
discussing AI, Big Tech, colonialism, and how we can create a more inclusive and equitable AI future.

Authors of paper accepted for publication in Harvard Environmental Law Review argue firms are ‘killing members of the public at an accelerating rate’

Or from the paper itself:

"The acts committed by FFCs are like those supporting many other successful homicide convictions: the corporations disregarded serious risks that were brought to their attention and engaged in conduct that accelerated or contributed to one or more deaths."

We must start protecting ourselves against #capitalism

It's normal to protect people against floods, hurricanes, and deadly viruses. In many places this is a communal effort

The threat to life and livelihood posed by the capitalist system requires a similarly communal effort.

It should be key government policy. There should be ministers for the protection against capitalism!

New German word just dropped! “Sekundenklebertransportverbot” - “ban to carry super-glue” , so that the protestors against fossil-fuels overconsumption can be prevented from gluing themselves to art & infrastructure!! Also example of absurdity of legislative control of human behavior…

Finland has been ranked as the happiest country in the world for the sixth consecutive year.

Also, here is a photo of the five leaders of Finland's largest political parties.


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