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@mejs Vlado do you know people in Croatia who would benefit from attending free / technical Internet governance meeting in Split? 4-5 April

'Zich tot het einde toe verbonden voelen met het leven op aarde. Alles wat we doen, is tegen beter weten in. Dat lijkt me een juiste manier om, tot je doodgaat, niet te sterven.'

Reviving Chromebooks with Ubuntu: Autonomous Servers, Planned Obsolescence, and Permacomputing: Half tutorial, half manifesto.

Step-by-step instructions with additional commands and things to look out for. Along with steps toward a better future.

Chromebooks reach end of life and stop getting updates. They tend to either be trashed or scrapped. Let's make them boot to an up-to-date and secure OS and give them out to anyone who needs them. Make them into portable webservers, make your own off-grid networks. I talk about the issues, but also steps we can take to reframe our relationship with technology by changing our social relations. This connects with the revolutionary vision of the early internet & computing and the cross-over of the counterculture.

In the face of climate collapse we can move away from profit driven and destructive practices in tech - and towards decommodified, interoperable, modular, and appropriate technology that is shaped by the people, and made to last with as little impact on the ecosystem as possible.
#permacomputing #solarpunk

real talk: being gen X kind of sucks right now because our boomer parents are all dying, sick, and, or, suffering from dementia. we are a v self sufficient cohort, and proud of it but don't underestimate the shit we're likely going through. as ever, kindness first.

gen X is also discovering illness ourselves. it's a trip, and it fucking sucks.

anyway - every generation gets their time in the barrel. for gen X it is now.

shout out to all y'all that are going through some things. i see you.

We can revolutionize software development by letting two chat bots argue with each other about JIRA during standups so the rest of us don't have to.

Reading Tim Wu's "Master Switch" and concluding, as is fashionable among some techbros, that the best we can hope for is a benevolent monopoly is like reading an IPCC report and deciding the best outcome is a climate change suntan. We have better options in reach.

I think every research team should have to include at least one (1) anarchist punk just to keep academia off it's bullshit /j

I am not a fan of any of the big organized religions but we see in the "AI" discourse how losing those as core sensemaking structures and refusing to replace them with anything meaningful aside from Individualism can be damaging. A Mostly Screen-Free, Zine-Full, Remote-Participation Conference on Experimental Methods for Research and Research Exchange

RT @picharbonnier

Come work with us at @sciencespo on environmental transformations and climate politics.

We're hiring 8 postdoc researchers in Paris, 3 years contract.

Deadline : April 25th.

Infos ⏬

we're seeing existential dread levels at about 57%

(57%) ■■■■■□□□□□

RT by @DyneOrg: When the development overheads are so low, we will need to choose our side. What are we doing with our time, wisdom, intelligence and power over nature? Pick your side wisely: scaling up production is not always the best idea ✨

We handed over a copy of the IPCC AR6 Synthesis #ClimateReport to Peter Khalil’s office staff, plus the recent call by 6 Pacific Nations for phaseout of all coal and gas, plus the transcript of UN Secretary General speech launching IPCC report calling for #NoNewCoal, #NoNewGas.
#safeguardMechanism #Climatecrisis #ClimateDiary


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