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Did you recently understand that you're autistic?

Are you looking to connect & learn with others on the same path as you in honoring your autistic selves?

My upcoming workshop does that & much more.

@actuallyautistic #ActuallyAutistic

4. Micromanaging / Worrying

I will not repetitively examine details over and over. I will not jump to negative conclusions. I will not endlessly second-guess myself. I forgive my past mistakes. I cannot make the future perfectly safe. I will stop hunting for what could go wrong. I will not try to control the uncontrollable. I will not micromanage others or myself. I work in a way that is “good enough”. I accept that sometimes, my efforts bring desired results, and sometimes they do not.

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If you want many eyes on your open source project, you need to get rid of assholes.

Bad community management is a security risk.

Assholes bully sole maintainers.
Assholes gatekeep and keep maintainer numbers low.
Assholes waste time on the mailing list with petty bullshit.
If you fundraise, assholes are bullying your grant writers and community managers.

Some of the best security contributors don't write a single line of code. They yeet assholes.

Online topological crochet classes omg #crochet #FiberArts #math #topology

Mathematical crochet artist Shiyong Dong offering classes at the National Museum of Mathematics

Greta Thunberg blokkeert morgen samen met ons de A12, om een eind aan de fossiele subsidies te eisen. Ze komt naar Nederland omdat er op de A12 een internationale Stop Fossiele Subsidies campagne aangekondigd wordt. Meer info over de actie? Bezoek

Democratic rights have become a Big Tech trade secret. Google imposed a gag order on city officials elected by the public, warning them that they must not tell the public anything about the Google project, particularly how much public water Google was taking. Using a slew of aliases to buy land, getting secret tax breaks, getting electricity at less than half of what ordinary people pay, being sold public land for less than half the market value, all in secret, this is how Big Tech rolls.

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Getting older needs a handbook.

Like, my body really does not move and recover the way it used to. I never noticed that my gait is all effed up. I never paid attention to my hips and back (outside of shenanigans). I never worried before about mobility and about how to keep

Youth enables ableism. You just think everything is going to work the way it always worked.

But getting older ...oof. If the body is a temple, this temple needs some assistance. The roof is leaking, the gutters are clogged, the doors are hanging wrong, and the hinges are all squeaking.

It's a paradigm shift.

#Aging #MiddleAgedStiffness

If you have ever queued to ride the bus and boarded in an orderly fashion without an armed cop telling you what to do, or else…you’ve experienced life as an anarchist.

If you’ve ever held a door open for a stranger or bummed a cigarette…you’ve experienced a central communist tenant.

If you’ve ever bought a round at the pub with the understanding that someone else will get the next…you’ve engaged in reciprocity.

These are all things people do all the time! They’re things people even like and often profess to enjoy as ideals!

But suggest we organize our society around these ideals and suddenly you’re proposing unworkable idealism, at best, and murderous chaos, at worst.

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2 years ago a major university asked me to come in to give a quick pitch on how I may be able to make their campus more neuroaffirming.

I said that I don’t do free meetings of this nature, but they assured me it was a pitch for 15-20 minutes to see if they’d be interested in a full meeting.

Like many autistic professionals in such situations, I reluctantly agreed.

The “15-20 minute chat” turned into an hour of asking and prodding me for information. It was implied that we would begin a professional relationship after some “checking with higher ups”.

After following up multiple times, with no reply, I was told that they were not interested in pursuing any of my ideas. It sucked, I was out 2 hours with travel without being paid, but thought that’s what it is and I moved on with life. Another “affirming” group taking advantage of autistic people’s labour and bodies.

Today I ran into a one of the people who sat in on said meeting. They attended a lecture I gave on building neuro-affirming university campuses. You can imagine my surprise when they told me with a big smile that they had implemented my ideas and built an entire team of “ND affirming” professionals. They used my ideas, my implementation plan, my program ideas, and then hired others to do it for them. Never bothered to pay me for that.

You can imagine my further surprise when this person said “oh that’s a great idea you just made in your talk. We should hire someone to do that!” and walked away, super proud of the “new idea” they came up with.

This person is, of course, NT.

Autistic people know the feeling of not being heard. Of people taking our art, our ideas, our lives, and making them their own, with no recognition. We know what it is to be paid nothing for our work, while NT people doing the same thing are paid in loads. And if you’re not a man or white, you know this on a number of levels.

So many of those claiming to care about affirming autistic lives are full of autisiphobis and ableism.

Our minds and bodies aren’t worthless. It’s our minds and bodies that make the world go around.

@actuallyautistic #ActuallyAutistic @disabilityjustice

From Processing Foundation:

Processing Foundation Fellowship Program - Deadline is May 2

The Processing Foundation is thrilled to announce the open call for our 2024 Fellowship Program, themed ‘Sustaining Community: Expansion & Access.’ This year, we seek to support innovative projects from artists, designers, activists, educators, engineers, researchers, coders, collectives, and many more, who are working at the intersection of creative technology, art, and open-source software.

$10,000 stipend, dedicated mentorship, skill-building workshops, public programs, and community engagement opportunities.


#opportunity #fellowship #processing #p5js #creativecoding

At some point I lost my copy of applied cryptography. It has been pointed out that it didn't age well.
What's the current standard book on the topic? :flan_book:
I'm particularly interested in algorithms for weird applications. Blind signatures, trapdoor functions, that kinda thing, like the last 15% of applied cryptography.

#LazyWeb boosts welcome

Next Tuesday, I'll be at the Hart House Debates and Dialogue, with a talk entitled "We're in a Climate Emergency. Why are we not acting like it?"
Come and join us!

art on boats: art straight from the artists to the public. april 2024, wageningen woudrichem dordrecht breda.

Hey funders,

You know you could just... give... the money... to projects that need it. Like software libraries that ARE IN EVERYTHING.

No grants. Don't make tech nerds write grants.
Don't make the tech nerds hire grant nerds to write grants.

FFS don't fund research into this problem with a budget of double what it would take to SOLVE THE PROBLEM for a significant number of open source projects with code that is, again, IN EVERYTHING.


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