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NYPD is right now about to storm Columbia University in NYC after protesters against genocide occupied a university building.

Here’s something interesting from the Uhiversity website.

This female red squirrel has been around a lot lately spending time feeding. It’s the time of year that these reds will have young and her teets are quite pronounced. Hopefully, she has some offspring to look after back at the dray #Aberdeenshire #Scotland

I went riding my -bike today near , through a small river/stream… action video!

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Domesticated animals near : Strange chicken (guinea fowl) ; angry geese; sheep in a distance & horses zoomed in , plus cows.

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Monday at : moon-set at dawn, a squirrel (hidden!), mighty bug & Dog-again! ((Not possible to upload photos in 3G, will edit later when I get signal…))

Monday at : moon-set at dawn, a squirrel (hidden!), mighty bug & Dog-again! ((Not possible to upload photos in 3G, will edit later when I get signal…))

That women's lower pay is the result of their free choice for lower-paying careers is a stubborn myth. Women's "choices" are constrained by societal pressures for women to be the caretakers & men to be the breadwinners. "Women who 'opt out' of having children have to explain themselves. Men don’t—the phrase 'opt out' is almost never applied to men when they choose to not have children. When men 'opt in' to have children, they face considerable stigma if they remain home."

#RIPELabs editor Alun Davies recorded this podcast with @bert_hubert talking about Internet privacy, the real cost of outsourcing and who controls the Internet really (if anyone does). Check it out on RIPE Labs:

We invite you to join our online session to hear from RIPE NCC Community Projects Fund recipients.

🗓️ 2 May 2024, 10:00 - 11:30 CEST

🔗 Free, online event:

Marcus Dansarie: Secure Time for IoT Devices - Developing the Roughtime Proposed Standard

Raffaele Sommese: Anycast Discovery: Daily Mapping the Anycast Landscape for Enhanced Internet Resilience

Suelette Dreyfus & Richard Prospesel: Community Canary: Trying Tor's Rust Implementation Arti

Species living closely together in symbiosis is far older and way more common than you might think

"The term #symbiosis was first used in the 19th century to describe the #lichen relationship, which was thought to be highly unusual. Since then, we’ve discovered symbiosis is the norm, rather than the exception. In fact, it has shaped the #evolution of most life on Earth."

I arrived to ! So happy .. with the mountains, cousins, flowers, Lodge, dog, sunshine… (also there’s running water, electricity & wood stove!)

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Approaching Split! Sunrise on the ferry from Italy - soon to be in the train to !

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Less than two weeks to #amro24, and I am so looking forward to seeing @becha and @jazoza and so many others again, also to meeting @shusha and @parismarx in person.

Yet my happy anticipation is still tinged with some disappointment. We received over 150 responses to our open call, and we just couldn't fit everyone in 😢

I firmly believe that spaces expand to accommodate all the people who need to be in that space together. Maybe time needs to be persuaded to do the same.

We're excited to be on the Fediverse :tada:. We look forward to hearing from you and sharing some updates.

Today’s images of the sea: dramatic clouds in the morning, calm seas later on; my small “boat&breakfast” for tonight & sunset over the marina in Ancona. on the way to &

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Today’s images of the sea: dramatic clouds in the morning, calm seas later on; my small “boat&breakfast” for tonight & sunset over the marina in Ancona. on the way to &

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Sailing again! View from the window in my cabin, on the ferry Patras-Ancona -12

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