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UK, mention of depression 

I think I’ve put my finger on what coming back to the UK feels like. If an actual nation state could be suffering from clinical depression, this is what it would look like: Everything is slowly going to shit; the country seems to see no future for itself; it’s making decision after decision that is self neglect bordering on self harm; quite possibly the most unpopular government to be removed by democratic vote rather than bloodshed is about to lose an election by a cataclysmic margin, and when the opposition, who are set to clean up, are asked what they’re going to do differently, the answer is a shrug followed by, “nothing”.

And people here more or less accept it, because boiling frogs and suchlike, but then you go elsewhere (no, America, not you, sit back down), and it’s like the colour returns to the world and you didn’t even realise it was missing.

#ClimateDiary It’s spring and it’s wonderful. So much joy, beauty, abundance, grandeur from nature, just there, in my otherwise mundane neighbourhood. Bluebells feel very early, along with everything else, but i also want to relish and be grateful for all whilst we still have it. #FrugalAbundance #Gratitude


They pluck your plums, your mum and dad
They eat them for their supper, too
They gobble all the fruit you had
And leave some bullshit note for you

But they were robbed blind in their day
Of damsons, prunes, and blackthorn sloes
Their breakfast treats were poached away
And justified with old-style prose

“Forgive us” both your parents moan
“They were delicious, sweet, and cold”
They wonder why I never phone
And from them my own kids withhold


Every time I do tech support for my family I get very angry about people who whine about lacking "tech literacy".

90% of the stuff I have to teach them is how to navigate manipulative software and dark patterns. This has nothing to do with tech, but with capitalism. Tech is not complicated, it is just made maximally confusing on purpose to remove agency.

Better tech ed won't fix this.

What if instead of stepping outside my comfort zone, I step into an even comfier zone. Perhaps take a nap in a large fluffy dinner roll.

I like how spring is basically just all of nature going "hell yeah, let's party 🥳"

Does anyone know whether there is a project to stock libraries in developing countries with unwanted academic journals from our offices? A colleague is downsizing and has over a decade of JACS that might end up in a recycling bin if there is no alternative. Can you spread the word as I'm curious about what we might be able to do. #academic #sharing #journals @dbellingradt do you and your histodons and bookdons know about this kind of thing?

FREE community #fediscience please BOOST!


'Gender and Ritual Power among African hunter-gatherers'

Radical Anthro summer talks start up next
Tues April 16, 18:30 (BST)
with #CamillaPower
LIVE @UCLanthropology and on ZOOM

Everybody welcome FREE, LIVE and online!

Camilla Power, former Senior Lecturer at UEL, Research Fellow at UCL, will be speaking LIVE in the Daryll Forde Room, 2nd Floor of the UCL Anthropology Dept, 14 Taviton St, London WC1H 0BW (the entrance may still be through the Archaeology Institute in Gordon Sq). You can also join us on ZOOM (ID 384 186 2174 passcode Wawilak)

#Africa #huntergatherers #gender #ritual #egalitarianism #humanorigins #anthropology

📢 Vacancy for Lecturer with background in critical (e.g. feminist, queer, postcolonial) theory & methods, interested in teaching AI students critical perspectives on AI. We encourage candidates from historically underrepresented backgrounds to apply 🌈

Duidelijk: @nlrebellion heeft gewoon gelijk. "De Zwitserse regering heeft met tekortschietend klimaatbeleid mensenrechten geschonden, oordeelt het Europees Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens (EHRM)."

Deutschlands größte Internet-Provider haben den Zugang zu #SciHub gesperrt. Das bestätigen Vodafone, Telekom, 1&1 und Telefónica auf Anfrage @netzpolitik_feed. Grund ist die rechtlich nicht bindende Empfehlung der Organisation #CUII, die Interessen von Branchenverbänden vertritt. @Freiheitsrechte warnt vor #Overblocking.

#netzsperren #netzpolitik #informationsfreiheit

At Sovereign Tech Fund, we're following the #xz incident closely and listening to the many voices in the #FOSS maintainer community.

What's clear to us is that the xz incident shows the need for structural change:

Enrichment activities with cats helps with your printer's sense of wellbeing, and gives it purpose outside of work...
⁽ʷʰᵉⁿ ⁱᵗ ᵈᵉᶜⁱᵈᵉˢ ᵗᵒ ʷᵒʳᵏˢ⁾

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Planning my round-trip with … next week: Amsterdam-Milan-Ancona , ferry to Patras, train to Athens; conference: ; then back to Italy; ferry Ancona-Split , vacation in LikaLodge; then train Gračac-Linz; AMRO conference … & back home in a month from now: Linz-Amsterdam

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