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Despite the cut tapes, we still got the parts on the boards.

These resistors were apparently packaged onto their tape in a random orientation. At least the mfr managed to get them label side up! We mostly work with parts that are too small for labels, so I didn't notice this before.

E-field probes are definitely my favorite tool for tuning crystals.

I'm pretty sure we ordered cut tape, not cut tapes...

In ~2 months of having DMARC enabled and sending reports, fastmail is the first one to put a human-readable summary in their report.

One ear is much warmer than the other. Maybe he was sleeping on it?

Yaay! Finally figured out why I couldn't access one particular machine over a bridged wireguard tunnel. I turned out that the machine had a borked routing table, which allowed it to talk to devices on the same switch but not over routed connections. It's a terrible old embedded system, so adding some route commands at the end of rcS seemed the fastest way to patch things up.

Need to probe your Raspberry Pi Compute Module-based motherboard? So did we, so we made a probe for it:

Also apparently zip files can store information about the filesystem that they came from, and appropriate permissions. But I think my life might have been better before I was aware of that.

Might work for prototype PCB solder paste stenciling

Anyone know why the cache browser in Firefox will give you a full hex dump of the files in it, but won't reconstruct the file for you? In this case I'd forgotten to save a screenshot from my oscilloscope before closing the browser tab. Seems odd, like they're trying to make just a small deterrent to snooping on likely sensitive data?

I needed a way to probe the signals on an LCD cable but couldn't find a breakout board for it, so we made one! In case you find yourself in a similar situation:

Speaking of weird photo processing issues, what happened here? (pixel 6a)

This little vampire got adopted this week, hope he gets used to his new home quickly.

Storing config options in nibbles that are evaluated from right to left seems slightly cursed.

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