coffee culture hot take 

coffee shaming (i.e. telling someone who drinks coffee about how bad caffeine is, really) is more annoying than people who talk about their coffee way too much.

coffee culture hot take, drug ment 

yeah it's a drug, yeah it makes you dependent, stop fuckin moralizing my life choices. I self-medicate my ADHD with tons of caffeine cuz adderall is hard to get, mind your damn business.


coffee culture hot take, drug ment 

@jacethechicken @f0x Fuck healthcare systems that don’t provide mental health support. Without Adderall (or since I live in Europe now dexamphetamine) I live in a state of constant overwhelm and paralysis caused by rapidly shuffling distracting thoughts. Wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.

coffee culture hot take, drug ment 

@jacethechicken @f0x And in case anyone is thinking well you could just drink coffee apparently, the relevant chemicals are in relatively low levels in coffee, you have to drink a lot of it to have an effect. It’s cruel to expect someone whose disorder makes them prone to insomnia and anxiety take high volumes of a sleep suppressant in order to get a frankly inadequate amount of relief when a targeted drug without those side effects is available.

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