info request about CBT :boosts_ok_gay:​ 

I've heard a lot of criticism on CBT in passing over the years, but does anyone have a good overview/breakdown about it?

In my case specifically for ADHD, but general info welcome too.

(and yeah this is about cognitive behavioral therapy, not the uhh, other interpretation)

info request about CBT :boosts_ok_gay:​ 

@f0x It can be incredibly helpful if you work with a skilled practitioner and you are having trouble with negative thoughts about yourself. If you spent years with your ADHD undiagnosed you are probably pretty hard on yourself all the time, feel worthless, never give yourself slack, think everyone hates you, etc. These kinds of thoughts feel like we're just being honest with ourselves, but they actually sabotage us. CBT can teach you to let them go.

info request about CBT :boosts_ok_gay:​ 

@f0x It's vital to have a practitioner who is good at spotting your cognitive distortions so they can gently challenge your thinking and who doesn't blame the victim (that's you) because then they'll just make it worse.
It sometimes gets a bad rap because, since it's evidence-based and time-limited it's appealing to [insert institution that pays for healthcare where you are] so it's the go-to, and often there's no next step if it doesn't work for you.


info request about CBT :boosts_ok_gay:​ 

@f0x If you look up "cognitive distortions" you can get an idea of what is covered, but it doesn't substitute for having someone who knows what they're doing ask you the right questions at the right time, and who can teach you to ask yourself those questions instead of just wallowing in your self-defeating assumptions. But also, if you have ADHD, it requires more long-term prompting and practice than you'll get in the typical 12-week program.

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