The words I am writing are not very good but I AM WRITING AGAIN

It's been so long since I've touched my manuscript that I've decided I needed to read through it from the start, and am filling in some gaps I'd left as I go. Today I've been writing about Viking lander attempts at life detection, doing RESEARCH in ACTUAL BOOKS

#CuriosityBook #amwriting #scicomm #science #Mars

Today’s books: the massive University of Arizona Mars tome published in 1992, and Phil Stooke’s first volume of his International Atlas of Mars Exploration, 2012. The first book is now outdated, almost entirely supplanted by what we’ve learned in the last 30 years, but I highly recommend the second one for anybody interested in Mars, professionally or otherwise.

(If you shop at Amazon you can buy Stooke's book through this link & I'll get a li'l kickback: amzn.to/3Jy97Fm )

One #ADHD problem I have while #writing is that I get so absorbed that I forget to eat. I did just notice that I'm hungry, though, and I'm going to be good and go take care of that.


@elakdawalla I literally have calendar alerts for this because I tend to flip instantly from not hungry at all to too hangry and tired to feed myself.

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