Fellow medicated #adhd, this is a reminder that you probably aren't supposed to be drinking

After my prescription I did it gingerly at first, then forgot I wasn't supposed to be at all and turned it up

It wasn't a huge amount, but it was regular and I kept feeling terrible the next day

Eventually noticed a pattern and stopped. Felt better immediately in multiple different ways. The meds work better too.


@davidr I'm lucky that I had a very fast feedback system for this. The first time I had a drink after starting my meds instead of getting nicely buzzed I felt weirdly and miserably ill. I tested it out again a few weeks later -- same thing. And that was that.

And honestly I don't miss it at all. I certainly wouldn't trade my meds for it. But yeah, it was nice of my body to, for once, give a nice clear signal that .. no thanks, no more of this in particular.

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@holly Exactly! I was looking for that and when it didn't happen--huh, I guess I'm good!


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