Today is Rare Disease Day. I have a disease that is not particularly rare, but is considered so because it's underdiagnosed, misunderstood and some of the types are extremely rare.

If there were more funding for research and more training for doctors, perhaps we wouldn't be considered rare any more. 🦓

#RareDiseaseDay #RareDiseaseDay2024 #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #LeapYear #ShowYourStripes #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain


@Neferure Hypermobility high five! I spent decades in and out of physiotherapy for tendinitis, and only in my late 40’s did I finally get diagnosed and sent to a program that taught me how to stop getting injured. I wish they would teach physios and orthopedists that this is not actually that rare and how to screen for it and what to do about it.

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