Five years away from the States and my first bit of culture shock on return: see-through bathroom stall doors. Y’all know it doesn’t have to be like that, right? Just add a simple strip of metal.

@phooky There's always this gap between the door and the wall so you can see into the stalls. In Europe the doors always overlap the wall or have a strip of metal to cover the gap. Forgot about that until I was in the airport bathroom watching people wash their hands from inside the stall.

@holly oh, i thought you meant glass or plexi stall doors. yeah, the only real change in american public bathrooms over the past five years has been the introduction of theologically segregated urinals

@holly yeah, we no longer have baptists pissing in the same troughs as latter-day saints; it's kind of been a big win for everyone

@phooky @holly although having them face each other seems like it violates the Treaty of Westphalia.

@th @phooky @holly Yeah but does the England flag violate the Geneva Conventions?

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