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This dog across the way does this every afternoon and I love it.

Can anyone identify this plant? I need to care for it but I can't figure out what it is. It has some red berries, interesting stems, and new leaves unfurl from the ends of the stems.

How's your covid going? I decided to try growing cucumbers indoors in my sunniest window and I just picked two big sweet cukes. Also, cucumber plants are too big to grow in a small office, fyi. But you still get cukes, so 🥒🤷🏻🥒

I grew peas!! Second summer trying to figure out what will grow on this tiny, not very sunny, very windy, balcony. So far radishes, nasturtiums, and.. peas!

Why is my laptop out of diskspace?

... *searches around*

uh, vi, are you ok?

When you wake up after a late night and there’s a tent in your living room

I finally found a solution for keeping all the balls of yarn this shawl requires tidy -- small produce bags. They're 16x16cm, very lightweight muslin, and under €5 for 8 of them at Eco-Logisch.

How to escape your house for a bit: gather a crew and fly the Enterprise

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