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Here's a little twitter -> nitter redirect shortcut I made. Works on MacOS and iOS. For MacOS just "right click" the URL and the shortcut will be under "Services". For iOS copy the URL then run the shortcut and it will grab the URL from the clipboard. Change nitter.your.instance to whatever instance you'd like to use.

RIP snack cucumber plant, done in by spider mites, the vilest pest in the home kingdom.

Always bring an oar, in case you run out of power, drift sideways down the river, run into a bridge, and are forced to abandon shop by climbing over the railing

Removed most of my snow peas plants to give more room to my tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers, and to put up a windbreak for them. The one in the blue pot is tomatillos, which are pretty aggressive growers. Ball courgettes make huge flowers.

Morning run in Paris along the Seine. Nice that they’ve closed this entire road along the river to cars so people are free to jog or bike or whatever. They should do more of that in the rest of the city because Paris is so loud and fumey from all the car traffic (or maybe I’ve been in Amsterdam too long)

MAAN MOESTUIN! (moon vegetable garden) From this report on growing plants in moon dust by Jeugdjournaal (kids’ news show)

Thank you @th for the cute 3D printed plant stands to keep the window sills from getting moldy

Ok, I am not immortal, my streak is over, it took me five guesses today. Image CW: Wordle spoiler

Wordle spoiler - second time getting it on second guess!? 


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