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Peas like crappy weather, I guess. I thought my peas were done since they were turning all yellow after a couple of weeks of summer weather. But we’ve been having cold rainy weather the past few days and now my pea plants are covered in new dark green growth, flowers, and peas pods.

opens Washington Post app

closes Washington Post app

sets iPad on fire

One of my Airtags tried to get lost in the couch cushions and, look at that. They’re magnetic! Who needs a stitch marker holder? Not me!

Time to make dinner with my haul from the international grocery store

Ok, well, my partner just repaired a broken appliance with an old adapter from the pile 🙄

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Now dippin’ dots are falling from the sky I don’t know what to say

The weather is totally bananas today. This video was taken 15 mins before..(1/2)

I ❤️​ the because I can see plenty of cats and knitting projects and fails, and no toxic political posts because they're not incentivised (and when there are political posts, they're usually behind a content warning).

Excitement in lockdown: turning my groceries into more groceries

I got two citrus trees for the house 😊😊. I’ve never had an indoor tree before, so I hope I can keep them alive.

The light is kind of amazing right now. Wish I could capture it better in a photo.

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