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@priscillaharing @th Yeah, between those two it feels a bit like a choice between passion and competence.. although of course both may be present in one.

@DeGroene Welp, I just got a subscription to the Groene Amsterdammer so I could read that article, and I don’t regret it. I’m not sure the malevolent stupidity going on in Florida can be placed anywhere near the concept of academic freedom (though it’s certainly a moral panic, but with more to do with the outrage engines of for-profit social media algorithms imho) but that doesn’t detract from the (strong and very important) argument being made. Definitely een aanrader!

It’s only kraanwater if it comes from the Kraansluis region of Amsterdam. Otherwise it’s just flat tap juice.

Oops. Looks like I did this on nearly every decrease in this row. 🤦🏻

@amro @th Ah yeah, ours is Amstel, Gooi, en Vecht, and it looks like they have a stemwijzer on their website

@th and I are getting to vote for the first time in NL this month. Only for the Water Board. If any Dutchies have advice or suggestions, we're all ears!
Trammell en ik mogen deze maand voor het eerst in NL stemmen. Alleen voor het waterschap. Als er Nederlanders zijn die advies of suggesties hebben, laat het ons weten!

Today's flood of -related boosts and posts brought to you by my meds wearing off for the day.

@Annalee @deilann I cannot boost this hard enough. When I hear people talk about having their kids do medication breaks on the weekends I'm like, do you not want them to socialize on the weekends? Or just like, be able to do a project for themselves?

@deilann seriously this. I occasionally see stuff from people doing this weird toxic positivity about #ADHD and how we only think we need treatment because of capitalism and like no, I need treatment because I want to remember to eat, follow along with conversations, regulate my emotions, and do my hobbies. In a utopia I would still need meds, but it'd be a lot easier to get them

@wendy Sandra Kooij gives some great guidelines based on what we currently know for how to handle being a woman with ADHD in general, in this webinar. The way I understand it, when estrogen dips so does dopamine, which leads to the phenomenon of "hell week" once a month. Even women w/out get ADHD-like symptoms during menopause due to this. One the one hand I'm dreading menopause (hell week every week??), on the other at least I have meds that could help.

@arpcomics I deal with this by putting all my pills for the week in one of those pill organizers. Then each morning I decant the day's meds into a vial (that's attached to an airtag) that I carry around with me. If a pill is missing from the vial, I know I took it. If they're all missing I know I didn't transfer them from the organizer yet.

I tried a few other systems, but this is the only one that has actually worked for me.

@shockwaver When I was on short-acting dex I had an elaborate iOS shortcut where I could press a button when I took my first pill in the morning and it would set up alerts for every 4 hours after that in this one app that will nag you with notifications every minute until you acknowledge it. And I would somehow still forget to take them.

Biked by Brouwerij’t IJ yesterday on the way home and the windmill was going

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