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@phooky There's always this gap between the door and the wall so you can see into the stalls. In Europe the doors always overlap the wall or have a strip of metal to cover the gap. Forgot about that until I was in the airport bathroom watching people wash their hands from inside the stall.

Five years away from the States and my first bit of culture shock on return: see-through bathroom stall doors. Y’all know it doesn’t have to be like that, right? Just add a simple strip of metal.

Dear USians, I haven’t left Europe for the past 5 years, but this weekend I’ll be flying to Florida for an 80 year old’s birthday. I plan to wear a mask on the flights (because 80 year old’s b-day party). What am I in for?

@et_alia @blogdiva I like the Dutch way. One election day, each column on the ballot is a party, each column contains a list of people that party wants to give a seat to, you mark the person you have the most confidence in. So each party is not choosing just one person to present to voters but a whole slate. (Yes, I know what happened last election, but it was an exception and Wilders still hasn’t managed to form a government yet, it’s still better than in the US) photo:

Today is Rare Disease Day. I have a disease that is not particularly rare, but is considered so because it's underdiagnosed, misunderstood and some of the types are extremely rare.

If there were more funding for research and more training for doctors, perhaps we wouldn't be considered rare any more. 🦓

#RareDiseaseDay #RareDiseaseDay2024 #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #LeapYear #ShowYourStripes #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain

@Neferure Hypermobility high five! I spent decades in and out of physiotherapy for tendinitis, and only in my late 40’s did I finally get diagnosed and sent to a program that taught me how to stop getting injured. I wish they would teach physios and orthopedists that this is not actually that rare and how to screen for it and what to do about it.

@eyrea @vkc Some RSS services, like Feedbin, give you an email address that you can use for signing up or buying stuff on sites that you think are going to spam you. The emails appear in your RSS reader, and if they get spammy you can just unsubscribe. I love it.

@Pepijn @mastobikes This seems like the sort of thing that should exist in NL: a dealership of just cargo bikes with lots of different brands, so you can go test-drive them all. We have a subscription with Cargoroo, so I have experience with Urban Arrows (they're great!), but that's it.

I'm cleaning out the refrigerator and it strikes me that this is one of the more rewarding household chores. Not because it's fun, it's definitely not that, but because the pay-off is excellent. It's so nice to open a freshly cleaned refrigerator and not see any more questionable jars of ?? at the back, pasta crumble bits in the drawer, and weird spill residues on the shelves. Nothing but glistening white and glass orderliness, and exactly what you need right where you want it to be. Ahhh. 🍵

@FirefighterGeek @GreenSkyOverMe I think this is what causes weight stigma: most of us have experience making changes to our diet and seeing the effect of those changes, so we think that should just work for everyone. But I have long suspected, and the effectiveness of these drugs confirms, that it’s hormonal changes that drive the weight gain, and you can’t realistically make long term changes in the face of hormones that effect energy storage, cravings, thoughts, and fatigue levels, etc.

Picard management tip: If you lose one crew member, mourn appropriately. If the whole ship explodes, don't worry; time travel will fix it.

Fun fact: I meant to post this two hours ago but I got distracted and ended up cleaning out my kitchen cupboard. #adhd

@davidr I'm lucky that I had a very fast feedback system for this. The first time I had a drink after starting my meds instead of getting nicely buzzed I felt weirdly and miserably ill. I tested it out again a few weeks later -- same thing. And that was that.

And honestly I don't miss it at all. I certainly wouldn't trade my meds for it. But yeah, it was nice of my body to, for once, give a nice clear signal that .. no thanks, no more of this in particular.

@cstross @Kye I think if you ignore all the plugins, at it's base Obsidian is pretty simple. The problem is if you are the type of person who can waste days customizing your environment and you feel compelled to try all the fluffy plugins, then you can easily fall right down the rabbit hole.

I just like that I can sync everything via my own Nextcloud instance or iCloud. (And the dataview plugin has allowed me to make the most functional digital cookbook I've ever had.)

@glightly Another thing I learned to do is to put a little notebook and pen next to me whenever I meditate. I actually rarely meditate (lol, ), but when I do, that's when allllll the things I'm supposed to remember suddenly start popping into my head. I just quickly jot them down and keep meditating, then when I'm done I can actually go put things into the calendar or task manager or whatever.

@glightly For things that I MUST not forget to do (like taking meds) I use the Due app. It nags you every few seconds until you acknowledge it. I put things in the calendar (with the appropriately timed alert) -- and I make no exceptions! If it can go in the calendar, it goes there _immediately_, even if pulling out my phone to do so is disruptive. I will not remember to do it later, and then I will miss the thing entirely. Still trying to remember what I walked into the room for...

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