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re: things that are more adhd than asd afaik 

@elilla Omg yes! If people had a speed up 2x button life would be so much easier! I'm ADHD without ASD but I do get overstimulated. I can't deal with sudden loud noises and strong smells. And I need a minimalist environment to concentrate, which sucks when you can't put away clutter. It's context-dependent, though. I can work fine in a loud/busy cafe, but everything in my house is a distraction trigger so my home workspace needs to be spartan.

Excitement in lockdown: turning my groceries into more groceries


@stapper No idea how old it is, but yep, those are real Meyer lemons and they smell amazing. One was ripe enough to pick, and it has a bunch of blossoms, so maybe it'll make more? And same for the clementine. I've heard that citrus trees work like roses -- growers start with good root stock, and then graft on whatever they want the tree to produce, but I'm not sure in the case of these.

I got two citrus trees for the house 😊😊. I’ve never had an indoor tree before, so I hope I can keep them alive.

The light is kind of amazing right now. Wish I could capture it better in a photo.


Before every performance each usb walks on stage with their sheet music, places it on the stand in front of them, frowns, flips it over, frowns again and then flips it a third time and then looks perplexed.

The domestic robot's lidar has detected evidence of a mirror universe.

So in the middle of the night my brain decided to wake me up for some anxiety. I grabbed my phone to find something nice to read to get back to sleep and the first thing I opened was Slack, where my brother, who has two elementary-school aged kids, had just posted this: "Evie just told us that she believes that she is controlled by dolls who are controlled by dolls who are controlled by dolls and so on. Elliot thinks we are in a video game, and he also believes in reincarnation." NOT HELPFUL @th It’s plastic mesh over foam so it’s squishy and comfortable to sit on. And the rain flows through so it’s dry as well.

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