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from the "Yael is still looking for a job" files, I bring you my IRL D&D character sheet

Having that first day of school feeling. Today I'm starting a conversatie cursus. Mixed blessing of living somewhere everyone speaks English -- it's harder to learn the local language since you're never forced to use it to communicate.

actually it's only a city if it has a robust public transit infrastructure that allows you to get to any point in the city without using a car. otherwise it's a sparkling suburb

@holly Cannily so! It's like I'm dealing with thinkable powers which are strictly within my ken!

deleting my entire itunes library and replacing it with Easy Listening Monster Band

I spent months digging into the state of cybersecurity in the healthcare industry for Ars Technica. Deeply grateful for insight from Jeff Tully, Christian Dameff, Billy Rios, Beau Woods, Suzanne Schwartz (and others not quoted) and to Nathan Mattise for brilliant editing and being a great sounding board.

NEW! Landmark ruling in the Netherlands: Dutch court ruled that privacy prevailed over the hunt against alleged benefits “fraudsters.” As benefits claimants are surveilled around the world, this ruling could have global implications.

I'm listening a podcast about the fates of the Dutch resistance members who started Het Parool in WWII (that's pronounced "Parole" for you English speakers) and they mention at the end that 5 Feb there's an annual memorial ceremony for those who were killed after being captured. So, have a moment of gratitude for the free press, and go buy a newspaper. (The podcast is Free and Fearless: The Story of the First Parool Trial, btw)

@th won the January challenge at the local CrossFit gym ✊🏻✊🏻 max hang time!

Finally got to a talk at and turns out it’s one I already saw.. at Camp 🙄 I think maybe I go to too many tech conferences

Folks, you know those things you share with me privately about the shit that’s going on in the industry and in the orgs that are supposed to be fighting for our rights… can you please start sharing them publicly too? I appreciate the info but we need more than me speaking out.

is making me miss
Way to go Germans -- you manage to create with a volunteer-run hacker club what a bunch of high dollar sponsors cannot: a well-functioning conference.

us pol (-) 

Fuck Mitch Mcconnell

Fuck Lindsay Graham

Fuck Rand Paul

Fuck every single one of these spineless bastards who are destroying what little democracy that is left in my country.

They are fucking cowards for not standing up for what is right and I am so fucking angry.

Fuck this.

Im fucking angry and you should be too and we need to do something about this.

Watching Brexit happen at the European Parliament in Brussels 😥

Packed all the stuff.
Going #OFFDEM Brussels soon.

From the "Why":
“a growing discontent with the evolution of #FOSDEM: cultivating social grouping, accepting questionable sponsors that fail to address our concerns against surveillance capitalism.”

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