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Just deleted my Spotify account, and if you like podcasts please join me. I don't want to help them lock us onto their platform so they can skim our money and our data. Also, don't want to (even indirectly) give money to Joe Rogan. Now I'm off to donate to my favorite podcasts to help keep them independent.

Did you know it's possible to balance upside down during the solstice?

Hire this guy to do the soundtrack for your dystopian sci-fi flick before they take his construction pipe away because OMG

I have found the one true note-taking app and it is Free option, self-hosted, plaintext/markdown, theme-able (with ease), just brilliant.

I grew peas!! Second summer trying to figure out what will grow on this tiny, not very sunny, very windy, balcony. So far radishes, nasturtiums, and.. peas!

Why is my laptop out of diskspace?

... *searches around*

uh, vi, are you ok?

MN anxieties 

A bit worried about my mom who lives in the exurbs outside of Minneapolis/St. Paul. The nearest town is boarded up in preparation for .. whatever is going to happen tonight.

When you wake up after a late night and there’s a tent in your living room

A-Frame is wonderful fun - a few lines of code and suddenly there is a full 3D world to explore in VR.

If y'all are tired of zoom meetings, try Star Trek Bridge Crew. We've been playing every weekend with a group a friends from around the world and it's a lot of fun, but unfortunately Ubisoft is basically ignoring it at this point because only 30-40 people log on every day. Which is sad, because it's an interesting way to hang out with people while socially distancing.

*squeeeel* Todrick Hall did a quarantine video!!!! 💅​🧼👠🧤

I've never modded a game before, but SkyrimVR kind of requires it, imho. I spent an *entire day* tweaking stuff and remedying crashes. At this point I'm stuck with everything working great until I walk up to an NPC, at which part it crashes.

My partner is questioning my modding to actual game playing ratio.

I'm reminded of that saying about crafting and buying crafting supplies being two separate hobbies.

If you teach development, the first thing you should be teaching… before HTML, CSS, JS, etc., is ETHICS.

Teach your students to avoid 3rd-party surveillance-based APIs/components. Teach them to de-centre themselves… to build tools owned and controlled by the people who use them.

I finally found a solution for keeping all the balls of yarn this shawl requires tidy -- small produce bags. They're 16x16cm, very lightweight muslin, and under €5 for 8 of them at Eco-Logisch.

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