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If you haven't seen that junior winner.. look it up. So good!!!

Our house is in one of these shots from around the Netherlands they keep cutting to. Saw it the other night.

One of my Airtags tried to get lost in the couch cushions and, look at that. They’re magnetic! Who needs a stitch marker holder? Not me!

Time to make dinner with my haul from the international grocery store

covid, executive dysfunction 

People reporting loss of organization, memory loss, and deteriorated sense of time due to lockdown is so wild to me because my #ADHD self is reading these symptoms and going, "Oh, you mean Tuesday? And every other day?"

Ok, well, my partner just repaired a broken appliance with an old adapter from the pile 🙄

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WOW — France is offering car owners the chance to trade aging vehicles for €2500 euro ($2975) toward the purchase of an electric bike.

“For the first time, it’s recognized that the solution is not to make cars greener, but simply to reduce their number.”


If you live in the Netherlands please, if you can, sign this so that those of us who are ready, willing, and excited even, to get the Astra Zeneca vaccine can get the darn prik so we can all go back to normal before a Dutch variant arises from all this foot-dragging? Boosts would be geweldig.

Now dippin’ dots are falling from the sky I don’t know what to say

It’s been going back-and-forth like this every 15 to 20 minutes all day long.

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The weather is totally bananas today. This video was taken 15 mins before..(1/2)

I ❤️​ the because I can see plenty of cats and knitting projects and fails, and no toxic political posts because they're not incentivised (and when there are political posts, they're usually behind a content warning).

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