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Spotted today. Viruswaarheid is our local antivax group, the loudest and most influential I think.

This sticker says: "We made a mistake, corona is dangerous and deadly after all, apologies, viruswaarheid (virus truth) love & truth"

Sadly they didn't actually have a change of heart. I think someone is making lookalike stickers. I'm confused and amused 😅🤔

@haecksen Ah-ha! Found them! This link, scroll to the talk you want. The room links on this page actually go to the big blue button rooms and the presentations are in there.

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@haecksen Help! Where I can find the links to talks in Mary and Margaret? Looking forward to Urban Farming and Blendering for AR, but I can't find the streams.

Before you buy that e-book from Amazon, do yourself a favor and see if the publisher has a website with direct sales.

I've found a number of books that I was interested in DRM-free, in EPUB format, and sometimes at a discounted price, just by poking around a little.

It's that time of the year again! and I present "Operation Mindfuck" #rc3 - a talk about art, tech and curiosities!
🎥 Live Stream:
🧑‍🤝‍🧑Or join us in a "watch together":

If you live in the Netherlands, here’s a website @th made for checking when your year comes up for a boosterprik. It includes a direct link to the appointment page so you don’t have to hunt around on the GGD website

Is there a German word for that untethered feeling you get when you run across something in a foreign context that you thought was super hyper local to the place you grew up? Like, what are these Dutch people doing playing zydeco??

Anyone have strong opinions on Automattic Inc? They bought my favorite podcast app so I looked them up and their website violates the GDPR (can’t view content without accepting ad trackers, no opt-out available). They say they’re for the “open web” but it looks like they mean opening your data to advertisers? They also own wordpress and tumblr and a ton of other stuff. Anyway trying to decide if I should switch, I’m a HEAVY podcast user.

ATTENTION: I have found the CUTEST picture on the internet, and it is in this wikipedia page for a cloned, endangered ferret:

Nothing prepares you for seeing a child in blackface in real life for the first time 😬

Tip for next year: rutabagas make excellent halloween decorations

It's wonderful to be able to meetup in person again.

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