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@th photographing the family of boobies that are roosting out on the jibboom. They have no fear of people.

Thing I didn’t know but now I do: Hawaii has a feral chicken problem.

It’s charming as heck, chickens just running around loose. Apparently the locals don’t find it charming, though.

From Wikipedia: “The English name "booby" was possibly based on the Spanish slang term bobo, meaning "stupid", as these tame birds had a habit of landing on board sailing ships, where they were easily captured and eaten.”

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Middle of the Pacific and we pick up this hitchhiker that likes to poop all over the deck

Leaving SF, we’re getting a send-off from a fire boat. Next stop: Hawaii!

If you're a Fediverse admin, this is a plea for you to defederate from

#Threads is part of Meta/Facebook, and their track record on moderation is as horrific as it is possible to be:

The victims of prejudice, violence and genocide cannot "block" attackers that were radicalised online. Victims of bigotry and hatred cannot opt out of being beaten up or murdered.

Please defederate Threads/Meta/Facebook 🙏

I’m in Palo Alto, about to go sail across the Pacific. So far I’ve seen two cybertrucks (I thought the future would be cooler), a car driving down the street with no people in it (nope nope nope), and I’ve tried the Vision Pro (despite the photo there is not actually a cello app yet). I’m eating Mexican for nearly every meal because I can 😋

🅿️ Vorig jaar hebben we 1647 parkeerplekken in onze stad anders ingericht om meer ruimte te maken voor voetgangers, fietsenrekken en groen. We gaan door naar ongeveer 10.000 opgeheven parkeervakken eind 2025.


I have arrived in Palo Alto. Made the mistake of stepping out without my bingo card this morning.

For time back to the States in 5 years checklist:

✅ Mexican food
✅ Popeyes
✅ grits
✅ Wendy’s frosty

Five years away from the States and my first bit of culture shock on return: see-through bathroom stall doors. Y’all know it doesn’t have to be like that, right? Just add a simple strip of metal.

Dear USians, I haven’t left Europe for the past 5 years, but this weekend I’ll be flying to Florida for an 80 year old’s birthday. I plan to wear a mask on the flights (because 80 year old’s b-day party). What am I in for?

Today is Rare Disease Day. I have a disease that is not particularly rare, but is considered so because it's underdiagnosed, misunderstood and some of the types are extremely rare.

If there were more funding for research and more training for doctors, perhaps we wouldn't be considered rare any more. 🦓

#RareDiseaseDay #RareDiseaseDay2024 #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #LeapYear #ShowYourStripes #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain

I'm cleaning out the refrigerator and it strikes me that this is one of the more rewarding household chores. Not because it's fun, it's definitely not that, but because the pay-off is excellent. It's so nice to open a freshly cleaned refrigerator and not see any more questionable jars of ?? at the back, pasta crumble bits in the drawer, and weird spill residues on the shelves. Nothing but glistening white and glass orderliness, and exactly what you need right where you want it to be. Ahhh. 🍵

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