Why is it so hard to find a 600mm X 400mm X 200mm (or near enough) white plastic storage box with no holes in it (i.e. handles). Lots in black. Or clear. But none in white, or a light grey. :(

@happydisciple too big. Also hard to get other than clear in this country

@quixoticgeek Booh. The clear ones suit us, we’ve got… *looks around the room, thinks of the attic* …quite a few of them, in a few different sizes 😬

Haven’t really tried getting non-transparent ones here.

@happydisciple oh I've got loads of them around the flat. But for this specific use case I need a box that is light tight (as much as can be). And not black.

@quixoticgeek Is build-your-own an option? I’ve recently learned that kunststofplatenshop.nl/ 1. Exists; 2. Cuts to your design given a dxf; 3. Don’t generally break the bank, maybe; 4. Delivers pdq.

@quixoticgeek Nnoo, BYO very quickly becomes a damp affair then. *continues to ponder*

(Once Upon A Time a spin through Blokker or Hema would have thrown up some options, but no more. Has to be decorative now. Faux wicker. Metal mesh basket.)

@quixoticgeek At Praxis, 30l “Crownest” boxes, estimated inside dimensions 40x35x25 cm^3

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