I'm ok an ICNG at last. Except I'm stuck in on carriage as the door doesn't work.

Mains power sockets, usb sockets, but no bins by the seats... That's gonna result in messy trains in the long run...

Yep. Found a chocolate bar wrapped shoved down the side of a seat.

I really like the big windows. I hope they will take these trains through the train wash with some regularity so they stay clean.

Why are we only going 80kph? The super elevation on the high speed line at such low speeds is... Disconcerting...

Coming off the HS line and to a full stop is a bit of a tit ache. In so far as I slid forward on my chair and this table is perfect nipple height... Ow.


I count official space for 16 bikes across the whole 8 car set. That's fantastic. The bike space could be better. A random is gonna have issues. Time will tell if people will be idiots with kick stands in the bike space or not. But it's promising. They are also spread along the length of the train. Which makes life a lot easier.

There's mood lighting in each section in either Orange, Purple, or Blue. Denoting if it's quiet, working, or social space. Except there's no other indicators. So if you don't know which colour is which you're kinda outta luck...

Also not every car has the big windows. Which is a shame.

@quixoticgeek A bit like the colour coded 'lounges' (read: Foyer-level areas beyond the ticket barriers) at Mordor Central, which are named after colours but aren't actually decorated in different colours or anything that might help a person orient themselves...

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