
I want a small laptop. Something that will easily fit in my camera bag. It doesn't need to be anything high performance. Just enough to run vi and ssh. And a physical keyboard

Can anyone recommend such a device ?

@quixoticgeek An old LG gram? Used or new? Good screen needed for the photography?

@bracken just need it for writing. Anything else is a bonus

@quixoticgeek maybe a Chromebook? Just get one that will allow installation of a normal Linux distribution. That’s what I would get for this use case.

I have this one and I love it:

The keyboard is a bit whacky, but well, what can you expect from such a small size 🤷‍♀️🙂

@itnomad that's a little too small for what I need ...

But it has serial! And Gigabit Ethernet! Come on, you know you want it ;-)

@quixoticgeek This would be a great use for one of the old 12" Macbooks. Low power, but tiny.

Alternately, how about an ipad with a keyboard?

@bug138 I'm not a Mac fan. And a 12" is too big for my camera bag

@quixoticgeek I'm just avoiding work and googling for tiny laptops, but this GPD pocket might be small enough!

Spendy though.

Good luck!

@quixoticgeek @bug138 I was tempted to recommend a 12" MacBook because I use one as my primary personal laptop. But it's no longer getting OS updates & close to end of security updates. For everything except block storage I've found macOS to be... fine tbh.

@bracken @quixoticgeek I think it would be a rad little linux machine. But not right for this situation.

@quixoticgeek A used lenovo thinkpad x250 (12.5" screen, inexpensive, and you can throw Linux on it)

@joe too big for my camera bag. I'm looking at about 10"

@quixoticgeek The newest thing that I can thing of that goes that small is the eeePC. Asus did reboot the line as the EeeBook in ~2015 but the screen just goes down to 11.6in, I believe. The pinebook goes that small, as well.

I think that what you might really need is a iPad Mini and a compact bluetooth keyboard. I have been able to fit both in a back pocket of a pair of cargo pants, previously.

@quixoticgeek I'd say maybe a tablet and then an ergonomic folding Bluetooth keyboard.

My wife got me a MoKo Universal Foldable Keyboard a little while back.
Something like that can be handy. That each side is slightly angled is key.

@quixoticgeek My son still uses his 2015 MacBook 11” Air. I got it with 8 gig ram. It has been with him to school for the last 8 years. Sturdy machine.

@scribblemacher I already have one of those... It's a bit too small...

@quixoticgeek what about snagging an Acer eepc 701 or similar on eBay? I've got one that once served as a slow NAS and now run Batocera as a mobile retrogaming machine. It *is* teeny tiny and the keyboard isn't bad.

@Daverowntree anything second hand will have crap battery life.

@quixoticgeek For very small laptops there are GPD, focused on gaming with as powerful hardware as possible and a bit more expensive. If you just need vi and ssh, and it can be a bit bigger maybe one of the PineTabs? :moai_think:

@quixoticgeek I refer you to @gadgetoid ! he is a big StarLabs fan if I remember correctly! Seems like an 11” is the smallest they have

@piofthings @quixoticgeek managed to work pretty handily on both the MK3 and MK4. Probably not camera bag small, though?

I wish they'd bring the Vaio P11z form-factor back. Most small laptops are kinda... chunky, ugly and cramped.

@quixoticgeek have you considered the Book 8088 with hi-res CGA graphics? Definitely not high-performance, although you can add an 8087 FPU and an OPL3 sound card.

@quixoticgeek a pinebook maybe? I bring my @frameworkcomputer 13 everywhere but I don’t think it falls under ‘small’.

@koen @frameworkcomputer I got a Lenovo Chromebook in the end with a 10" screen

@frameworkcomputer @quixoticgeek that is small indeed.

I find the ‘it does not have to be fast’ part to be hard. I want it fast enough

@koen @frameworkcomputer I'm running a toolchain based around vi, git, and ssh. I used to run that on a 486. I really doesn't need to be fast for this usecase

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