A semi productive day. Had breakfast in a nice lunchroom. Picked up a few things at some shops, met with a couple of friends for a chat, went to the DIY store to buy a couple more items. Came home. Watched quali. Took a nap. Just woke up. Now pondering food.

@quixoticgeek quali was interesting… en another to come up tomorrow. Spa is always tricky. (Belgium is always a surprise, not necessarily a positive one 😬)

@ZuilenV a disappointing result. At least the one who was fastest won't start from there. Wish Lewis was on pole.

@quixoticgeek yes, max will start from 6. Lewis need a better car. (And not, I am Dutch, so I like Max sometimes 🙃). Also sorry for Riciardo, with his track limits. But he is better than Nyck!

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