
A task for this weekend is to learn how to sharpen my tools. I have some diamond plates and jigs, and the cheapest chisels I could find to practice with.

@BogLoper I have a veritas deluxe honing guide mk 2. It works very well...

@quixoticgeek however, if the edges are completely worn out, usually through not keeping them sharp, a grinding wheel may be called for.

@quixoticgeek But in the future they will not be. I'm sure there are tutorials on YouTube. Better than me trying to explain. 😁

@BogLoper I'm seven floors up in an apartment. I can't run a grinder here. So manual diamond plants it is. This veritas honing guide is a joy to use. Beautiful piece of engineering.

@quixoticgeek Your guide looks similar to the one I use, but a vastly higher price. I know what you mean about the noise an electric grinding wheel makes, living in a flat myself. I have a hand powered one like my grandfather used. It was he who showed me how to use and sharpen chisels and plane blades about 60 years ago. I still have his wooden planes - with extremely sharp blades.

@BogLoper I'm also worried about the grinding dust getting everywhere. Running a grinder in the living room feels suboptimal.

@quixoticgeek A running vacuum cleaner should solve that problem. I live in a ground floor flat and have a workmate foldable bench that I can take outside. Lidl and Aldi often sell them

@BogLoper I'm 7 floors up. I have a 2m x 2m balcony and am in the process of building a 900x600 work bench to go on it. But being top floor, I have to be worried about what goes over the side to fall upon my neighbours.

@quixoticgeek Debris netting could help there. Wind it round poles the length you want. Unwind and fix around balcony while in use then wind back up for storage.

@quixoticgeek Sorry. Can't help you there. I have a barely used roll but transportation would be difficult. Try a local builders merchant?

@BogLoper Step one is working out what the name is in Dutch...

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