Seems that I started a small debate with @th. I started with the statement "The drop spindle is the only hand tool you don't hold to operate"

@th has countered with the fence post hammer. I contend that this is held in operation.

So, Fediverse, a) can you think of any other *HAND* tools that you do not hold the tool to operate.

and b) do you think the fence post hammer counts for this ?

@quixoticgeek @th does holding a vice count?

i suppose you hold it when you are preparing it but you don't hold it when you're actually doing what you're trying to accomplish on whatever it is holding in place.

@quixoticgeek @th (having thought about it, i suppose this kind of vice is mounted to a table and therefore isn't a "hand tool"?)


@trenchworms @th So it's suggested the English wheel is also a contender, but I said it's not a hand tool, as it's bolted to the bench. But Now we're getting into what counts as a hand tool @th says it's any tool that isn't powered by a motor...

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@quixoticgeek @th if that's the case, then this rests on whether "operating a vice" is when you are locking something into it, or when you are using something that is locked into a vice.

but that might be putting an unfair burden on the question. i'd contend that you hold a vice during operation in order to get it into the "correct" position to do your task, in the same way you would hold a drop spindle to get it ready to, well, drop (putting the fleece into the hook etc).

so i think i'm still leaning towards "a vice sufficiently meets the drop spindle requirements laid out in the first post"

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