Is there a way in android to tell the phone to charge slower? If I plug into a QC3 port the phone gets hot and I really don't want to be taking life out the battery when I'm not in a rush.

@quixoticgeek My Pixel has a feature called "adaptive charging" in settings that does basically this. Tho I don't get much control over it, it charges slower during regular overnight charging and such where it expects it has a lot of time to finish.


Looks like there are differently named flavors for this. I would prefer a simpler go-slo throttle like you described.

""Adaptive Charging" is the name of the feature on Google Pixel phones. OnePlus devices have a similar feature called "Optimized Charging." Samsung Galaxy devices call it "Adaptive Battery" and also have a feature that allows you to cap the battery at 85% all the time. (The iPhone has a similar feature named "Optimized Charging," too.)"


@gl33p yeah. Looks like my fairphone doesn't support it :(

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