Wow. So fosstodon instance actually enforced an English language only policy. Wtf. They are kicking someone off for using Irish. What bat shit crazy fucked up colonial anglocentric bollocks is that.

Am amazed. That someone would even think about such a policy in the first place. Yikes. That someone else would go so far as to flag posts for it. That's up there with the instances that enforce a single topic. Wtf.

Am really appreciative of the good instance admin of

@quixoticgeek That mean they cannot start a conversation in any other language or they cannot answer in any other language ?

Both seem unacceptable to me, but the former is furthermore ridiculously not applicable to any person whose english is not the mother tongue.


@johan the former. Replying to someone in a different language is ok. A stand alone toot in a different language. Not ok

@quixoticgeek Ok, will try to understand the technicality here...
As the reason seems to be moderation, it would mean that there is a difference in moderation when you publish a "stand alone toot" or a reply ?

The responsibility of the moderation is for the instance where the thread was initiated ?

I do not know if you have any knowledge on this, but I'm trying to understand how they could think it was ok. Even being in this "moderation über alles" kind of vibe it seems that it cannot work.

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