Tonight my friend said it was my turn to buy the wine. I went to the supermarket and got smacked in the face by option paralysis.

My friend gave me some key words to look for.

In the end we got two bottles. One for a fiver and one for €9. So far we've opened the cheap one and it's entirely drinkable.

Mission accomplished.

@quixoticgeek I just go for new world wines because they're less expensive and how can being allowed to water your vines be a bad thing?

@bracken keep in mind that @quixoticgeek was in a Spanish supermarket. New world wines are very unlikely to be found there (and if they are, it’ll be expensive Argentinian wine)

@moof @quixoticgeek Ah, in that case the Spanish wines will be like 1/8th the price they are here.


@bracken @moof the Compo Veijo is just over €5 in that picture. I've seen it in Sainsbury's in the UK. Feel free to compare prices

@bracken @quixoticgeek that’s not too bad, given how big the difference in duty and transport is. It’s not bad introduction to Spanish wine.

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