In a reply today someone threw a statistic at me. My first thought was "that can't be right at all". In the modern world we get a lot of stats thrown at us, and it's a really useful skill to be able to look at a stat, and without much effort work out if it is plausible.

I'm not talking about checking it's accurate. Just plausible. Could it be true? Or is it out by several orders of magnitude?

Let's look at the stat from today and work out if it's at all plausible. 1/n

@quixoticgeek Originally the stat was about sulphur emissions, which may be more accurate, but it got memed into CO2 which is ridiculous. I still see it all the time though.


@TheoEsc yep. I will do a separate thread on the actual stat. This thread was just about how to do a quick sanity check when given a stat. Is it plausible. I used that stat cos it was thrown at me earlier that day.

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