My notifications have gone kinda nuts the last couple of days. If you've sent me a toot and I've not replied. Feel free to resend. Turns out when you write a 40 post thread. There's a lot of people who hit like 40 times... Triggering 40 notifications... The mastodon app on android (or the web interface). Don't handle this well.

@ZuilenV a few people have. Some have favourited just a few. Some only the first. Some only the last. The first post has got over 120 boosts now I think, plus 100 favourites. Giving me 220 notifications for the start of the thread alone...

@ZuilenV when I'm used to 2-3 notifications a day. Yeah. It's a bit of an overwhelming.


@ZuilenV 24 more notifications since you sent this reply...

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