Last Christmas I received this drill as an Xmas present. It's great, chews through walls like they aren't even there. But it creates a lot of dust which is a faff, and means I'm less likely to use it. In the Autumn I bought the vacuum attachment for it. Today I used it properly for the first time.

It's amazing. Absolutely no mess. And also doubles as a depth stop, which prevents me going all the way through the wall (which is very easy to do otherwise).

Absolutely brilliant.

@quixoticgeek In the old days, I used to impress people I put up shelves for by using a vacuum cleaner tube at the bit. No dust. They couldn't believe their eyes!


@JanPV that's what I used to do also. But it was never 100% perfect, and it requires a lot of hands. This is just one integrated unit. And it's wonderful.

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