Well fuck.

Just did a Google image search as part of some research into something in the medieval era. Well over half of the results are from some kind of ai image generation site. Argh. Totally useless for research purposes.

Search engines need an "exclude AI content" option.

@quixoticgeek ugh:( That sucks.

What sort of medieval stuff are you looking for?


@JubalBarca trying to find out about hair styles of sailors in the 13th and 14th century

@quixoticgeek Ooh, interesting.

Not sure what would depict or discuss that much: if it'd help, I can have a nose through some conference directories to see if anyone jumps out whose work might include that sort of information? Or @bookandswordblog might have more idea of who might know than I do.

@JubalBarca @bookandswordblog I was hoping I might find through to a paper or something from the image search side. Alas that wasn't to be :(

@quixoticgeek @JubalBarca @bookandswordblog If you contact drachinifel on youtube, he might be able to give you a reading list of sources from the age of sail, or point you to primary source period art pieces?

@JubalBarca @quixoticgeek my general expectation would be that all workers in that period dress and tend their hair similarly, modulo things like a butcher's apron. In general see manuscriptminiatures.com/searc (no way to filter the hashtag by date so you have to page forward)

@bookandswordblog @JubalBarca I'm wondering if the constant salt water spray and wind conditions on a boat would make maintaining hair harder than a labourer on land. And thus affect the styles chosen by sailors ?

@bookandswordblog @JubalBarca that link is absolute gold. Thank you so much! Perfection!

@quixoticgeek @JubalBarca

Try DuckDuckGo, I searched with early renaissance sailors as a picture search.

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