Watching @TechConnectify second channel follow up video about the heat pump sizing. There's mention that an air co is a heat pump that is only of use for 6 months of the year.

The crazy thing is in some countries, the grants for installing heat pumps can only be used on equipment that does *not* have a cooling function. It has to be heat only.

@quixoticgeek Ugh, that's so frustrating. Like, in some ways, I get it - but you're not going to have anywhere near the cooling needs compared to heating needs unless the climate goes even more batshit than it's been going.

There seems to still be this mindset Over There that aircon is wasteful and American. But if people knew that our power grid's gonna be stressed more in the winter from heat pumps than it is now from AC in the summer... maybe minds would change. It's ridiculous. Sure, we might only actually want to use the cooling for the two weeks a year that it's properly hot, but it's stupid to leave out the functionality entirely. Also, I strongly suspect that many British homes (and indeed lungs) would benefit from the dehumidification.


@kim @TechConnectify Not to mention that cooling demand would coincide with when there's peak solar output, so could use some of the excess capacity we'll invariably end up with.

It makes no sense.

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