Well fuck. Screwed and not screwed, at the same time...

@erik @quixoticgeek

After years of broken screws, when I have to screw wood not very soft I always make a pilot drill, slightly larger in the piece above and 1 mm smaller than the screw in the piece below, where the screw has to "bite".


@GustavinoBevilacqua @erik Yeah. I'm not sure what happened. I think it may be just a dud screw.

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@quixoticgeek @erik

I know a guy who makes roofs, and for him it's almost common to screw together two 20×20 cm beams with an 8 mm screw without any pilot hole.

Well, he uses a 480 € Hilti drill…

@GustavinoBevilacqua @quixoticgeek & the quality control on professional use 8mm screws is better than what you get at the hardware store...

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