If we want people to refill reusable bottles, it needs to be easier than buying a bottle of drink. That means a) not needing a bloody app to find where you can get water 2) water taps/fountains in the well walked passages of the station so you can fill as you go past and don't have to detour. iii) not have to ask someone to fill your bottle for you.

@quixoticgeek yeah, did not manage to fill up at Amsterdam cs, even when asking around.


@wmd the Amsterdam Centraal tap is by the entrance nearest the ferry to Buiksloterweg, and utterly non sign posted.

The fact it's one for the whole station sucks too. They need one per passage. And you shouldn't need to check out and back in again to access it.

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@quixoticgeek thanks and indeed. Just tried finding one in paris Montparnasse, no luck.

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