UK, mention of depression 

I think I’ve put my finger on what coming back to the UK feels like. If an actual nation state could be suffering from clinical depression, this is what it would look like: Everything is slowly going to shit; the country seems to see no future for itself; it’s making decision after decision that is self neglect bordering on self harm; quite possibly the most unpopular government to be removed by democratic vote rather than bloodshed is about to lose an election by a cataclysmic margin, and when the opposition, who are set to clean up, are asked what they’re going to do differently, the answer is a shrug followed by, “nothing”.

And people here more or less accept it, because boiling frogs and suchlike, but then you go elsewhere (no, America, not you, sit back down), and it’s like the colour returns to the world and you didn’t even realise it was missing.

UK, mention of depression 

@goatsarah having just returned to the continent after a weekend in the UK. You sum up what I experienced exceedingly accurately.

It's heart breaking to watch.

UK, mention of depression 

@quixoticgeek It's simultaneously validating to hear someone else noticing the contrast, but it also makes me profoundly sad for my homeland, even if it's made it clear that it hates people like me.

UK, mention of depression 

@goatsarah exactly. I used to go back every 6 months, and the change was gradual enough to not notice it as much. But COVID meant I couldn't go for 3 years. It just broke the cycle of the boiling frog.

In a way I feel survivors guilt for having managed to escape.

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UK, mention of depression 

@quixoticgeek I think I know exactly what you mean x
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