So I just had a transphobe try to piggy-back off a recent popular post I made, presumably to gain reach. i have a decent following here on fedi, but am a micro instance. They too were a micro instance. By default, people on micro instances are not easily discoverable other than by interaction, so if you have a following on one, it’s generally because you’ve built it “organically”, as it were.

They presumably thought that by posting transphobic rage bait in response to me, they could get me to reply, and my reply would federate to my followers, and then they’’d be seen.

Instead I just instantly defederated their server with no response.

They are howling into the void, and nobody is there to hear.

This is not Twitter. Just because someone replies to your thread doesn’t mean the rest of the word will see it. This is the achillies heal of bigots here. Most big instances will moderate them into oblivion, so they start micro instances, but unless people actually like what you’re saying, and interact, you simply won’t federate.

And they won’t even know I made this post now. LMAO! LOL!


@goatsarah you're an artist! Nicely done.

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