Walking back from Voting earlier I noticed this interesting contraption on the pavement.

The first thing I saw was the solar panel, so I initially wondered if it was an ebike charging station. I crossed the road to have a closer look.

It's not a charging station. I couldn't see any power outlets. So what is it?

It's another attempt by some designer to "innovate" in the bike parking space.

The intention is kinda sound. Dense bike storage in min space. What's not to like? Thread time


@quixoticgeek Amsterdam was working on a new design for the “high-density” wheel bender racks… Have you seen any installed? I often get complaints here in Provincetown that Sheffield-style stands aren’t dense enough and have to push back on wasting money on vertical contraptions like this.


@bikescape they have the double decker things in the underground stables. Another reply to this thread has a photo of one. I wouldn't want them outside. If you need more space. Take out a car bay...

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