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Duolingo continues to offer the most useful phrases for life in the Netherlands

ME, 10: I want a big mansion

ME, 20: I want a cool apartment

ME, 30: I want a small hut that stands on chicken legs & has been hidden away deep in the forest

I went down a rabbit hole of a person on twitter who denies the Roman Empire existed, and was in fact a fabrication by the medieval Church, and Mussolini.

No, really. She appears to be dead serious and has numerous twitter threads and arguments over this. Her "evidence" is (supposedly) the lack of documents dating to the period and the lack of radiocarbon dating.

The anniversary of my friend Danny writing the greatest ever facebook post

I would dearly love this headache to fuck off.

For those not yet familiar with this, any song or poem in the common or ballad metre can be sung to the pokemon theme song, for example House of the Rising Sun, Emily Dickinson poems, the Australian national anthem. Once it is seen, it cannot be unseen.

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Tell me again how 19th century art patronage wasn't just OnlyFans for posh blokes.

Oversized EVs waste energy (bc of giant batteries) and also endanger other road users.

To address EV car bloat, Norwegian officials have proposed a weight-based fee of NOK 12 ($1.10)/kilo over 500 kilos.

Example: An Audi e-tron would cost ~$2,330 more.

#electricvehicles #cars #climate

From next year you'll need photo ID to vote in UK elections (and the list of acceptable IDs is badly weighted towards older people). This is basically guaranteed to prevent more valid votes than fraudulent ones. If you're eligible to vote, make sure you have a valid ID in plenty of time.
You can find the list of ID types here: #Voting #UkElections #ElectoralReformSociety

But what if I need to carry timber, a chop saw and stand? Take that cyclists!

Hello Mastodon. I post random photos from the NW Highlands of Scotland. Mostly from Torridon.

Oh, how many developers could it possibly take to write an embedded operating system and a driver layer and a few wireless protocols and a camera and a sandbox for applications and a handful of applications and a customized user interface and and and? Regardless of the work, I’m sure a dozen of those 10x programmers he talks about will be plenty. /s

He’s going to be a freaking object lesson.

I do not like that this needs to exist, but I'mma boost it until it's not. Do likewise, as you will.

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